Friday, April 25, 2014


What makes Hibok-hibok interesting is that there is also ground red monggo beans inside! It actually seems to resemble the mochi dessert that is increasingly growing in popularity with Metro Manila foodies.

Also, Hibok-hibok is covered with a thick layer of coconut cream, and then topped with toasted coconut milk crumbs, or what is more commonly known as latik.
Interestingly, after a few research, this kind of latik is more for the Luzon region of the Philippines. In the Visayas area, latik is known as a thick, syrupy liquid topped into native delicacies. But both are coconut based.

These are best enjoyed while it is still hot, although some prefer to have it lukewarm since the glutinous rice has a chewier consistency when it cools down.
From stories of those who lived in the area, these Hibok-hibok used to be in cube-like form and packaged individually. Probably through the years, a round shape and ordering it in bulk became the more popular variant to justify the cost in making these delicacies.
But if you know of any place that still makes them in individual wrappers, share it here for people to check out.
On a slight detour, this is not to be mistaken for the Mt. Hibok-hibok found in Camiguin. That’s a volcano, not a chewy treat.


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